I'm loving how his vocabulary is increasing daily. And words like 'dinosaur' and 'butterfly' are coming out of his mouth. He understands way more and is starting to speak in short sentences. The other evening, we were reading a book and he came to a page where the animals had a made a big mess with some paint cans. He said, "Naughty cow! Made mess! Time out! Stay there!" Yikes. That could be a recording of me. Yes, the words are coming thick and fast and I better be careful about what I say!
Smiley is now 7 months old. He has been sitting for a while now but is starting to scoot around on his bum. I'll leave him in one spot and he'll be another when I return. Only thing is he falls over frequently and bangs his head because he's moved away from the cushions I had placed behind him. He grabs everything and has a fetish for phones and remotes. Is it the buttons? Or maybe because he sees us with them a lot so thinks they must be desirable objects!
His two bottom teeth are coming through which meant a rough couple of weeks but hopefully we're in the clear now...until the next ones. And he kisses us (with an open mouth) and also kisses soft toys. We put two big stuffed gorillas next to him, one on each side, and he will turn to kiss each of them again and again, kicking his legs in delight in between each 'kiss'.
And here he is practising another new skill: pulling himself up to standing. What next? Love the chubby legs, too.
I want to enjoy these little things and not wish my boys' lives away. There are, however, a few things I am looking forward to:
- Leaving both the boys with family overnight
- More sleep
- Doing really cool family stuff like going to Rainbow's End (Theme Park) or Waiwera (Hot & cold pools) and all being able to participate together
- Sleeping in
- Sitting down for a coffee or dinner out all together
- Both of them being at school or kindy so I can work/study more easily
- Cool chats about school or other topics
- Seeing what they're good at emerge
- More dates with Mr Samoa, just the two of us
- Being less tired
I feel so blessed to be able to see these awesome little beings become teenage boys! I just can't imagine how that will be. They will probably tower over me. I'll just have to wait and see.
They really are gorgeous boys Penny! And I love you "look forward to" list too! I think we all have one of those lists!!
My boy shoots with anything and everything even though we've never really encouraged it - it's just what boys do!
yip painting nails is normal hehee. Wait until they start bringing creepy crawlys home as pets!
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