Tuesday, February 15, 2011

An award!

Finally getting some computer time!

I would like to thank Sammy at Cherished for giving me this award:


Here's what you gotta do: 

1. Thanks and link back to the blogger who passed this award onto you
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award other recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.

Now I have to tell you 7 things about me:

1. I'm only 155cm tall. People sometimes comment how Turbo almost looks as big as me.
2. I wanted a girl both times I fell pregnant but I now I love having two boys.
3. I had never had a boyfriend before Mr Samoa...that's not counting the silly ones when I was 13 and 14.
5. I like to be accomplishing something all the time, even if it's just keeping the house clean...and I love lists.
6. One of my greatest fears/insecurities is that I'm not quite good enough.
7. I adore love like coffee quite a bit. Trim mocha is my drink of choice at the moment. The 'trim' part is a recent addition to a healthier 2011.

Here are the recently(ish) discovered blogs I would like to pass the award onto:

 Hope you're having a fab week!

 post signature


Catching the Magic said...

Awww, cheers! Now I shall have to put my thinking cap on...! x

Lyns said...

Yay for my first ever award. Thank you Penny. Nice to learn some more things about you xx

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your award! It was so lovely knowing some more things about you. Perhaps next time you will have a girl ;) And I love lists too.

Hope you're having a wonderful week! xx

Elizabeth said...

Wow - awesome, thanks for my first award... it made my day! Now to reciprocate the love ;-)! Might just have to sleep on it!

Meghan Maloney Photography said...

Aw thanks so much. You're a sweetie!! Great finding out some more about you too! I wanted girls too but wouldn't have it any other way now either!!!!

LatteJunkie said...

Thank you so much, my fellow coffee addict!

I recently received this so will highlight some "big" blogs, but not pass the award on, if that makes sense?


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