Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A very big day tomorrow

It is almost here. The day we dreamed of for five long years. The day we talked about celebrating and rejoicing in.

Mr Samoa graduates tomorrow!

Funny, now it's almost upon us, there hasn't been much celebrating or rejoicing so far. Is it part of the human spirit to forget the pain and trials so quickly and move on?

We're planning a party, but only after we move into our new place in four weeks time. And we've booked  a babysitter for this Saturday so at least I made sure we'd be doing some celebrating.

But I can't wait for tomorrow. To watch Mr Samoa, the very first person in his family to get a degree, to walk down Queen Street, decked out in his regalia, proudly wearing an emerald green sash. And then at 4.30pm I'll watch him walk across the stage and collect his certificate.

Mr Samoa you are the best! I am so proud of you, that despite the frequent obstacles, pitfalls and disappointments, you chose not to give up. It was all worth it.

And yes, Mr Samoa is VERY grateful for my support : )

Photos to come in the next few days

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Meghan Maloney Photography said...

Awesome work, team Tasi! And I know what you mean about Mr Samoa being grateful for your support because although the boot is on the other foot in our house, I could NEVER have done all my study without my hubby's 100% support and encouragement. You and he are the unsung heroes of the story :-)

Hope your day tomorrow is a wonderful celebration of this great achievement xx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Mr Samoa! What an awesome achievement. :)

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