Friday, April 29, 2011

Dear Turbo

Three years have been and gone, and still we feel like we're getting to know you. New aspects of who you are emerge every day, especially now that you're learning to express yourself more. The conversations we have with you are very cute and you like to pretend you're the boss of us! "Wait here, Mummy, ok? Wait!" is a frequent one, with your little hand help up, palm towards us, fingers firmly together.

You still challenge us with your full on and intense personality, but as always, we love who you are and wouldn't change you one bit. I frequently have funny stories to tell, like when, a couple of weeks back, you ran yelling into a nice cafe and nearly gave the waitress a heart attack! All eyes were on us, which I don't actually like but seems I better get used to. You would think I'd be used to it already.

You show us you're growing up all the time by achieving a new skill. A month or so ago you started drawing "people" (round blobs) with eyes, a mouth, arms and legs. And when you colour in, you don't just scribble anymore, you try to stay within the lines and colour the little details, like flowers for example.

Your third birthday party was small, indoors because of the weather, at our little place. Surrounded by family, you and your three big boy cousins ran crazily around, stepping around and over Smiley and Blossom. You loved your dinosaur cake and all your presents, although the highlight had to be when Grandpa presented you with a bike.

You went from not knowing how to pedal or ride a bike to fully pedalling, braking and steering in less than a week! You've always been amazing in this way, Turbo.

We love you, amazing boy, and pray you will be all that God has made you to be.

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Lyn said...

wow thats pretty impressive learning all those bike skills in just ONE week!! Must be a boy thing...I have only girls ; )

I love how you dedicate posts to the 'little things' in life like the things your kids say... reminds me I must do that more often. So easy to forget them otherwise huh!

thanks for the info re the SHOUT conference btw : )

Mummahh said...

clever little one! ive dropped by so many blogs with birthday pics up today! xx

Meghan Maloney Photography said...

Turbo I'm loving your bike skills - that is so impressive! And what a wonderful blessing you are to your family. May your journey through your fourth year be full of love and learning :-)

Catching the Magic said...

Awww, Happy Birthday Turbo!!! What a fabulous cake and neat wheels!!! My girls like to race on their bikes too :) have a very fun & awesome 4th year & well done to your awesome parents too :)

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