Bruises and batterings
Not a day goes by that Benjamin does not fall over or hurt himself in some way. He never looks where he's going and just walks expecting the way to be cleared before him! Last week he tripped over my leg (I had the guilts) and banged his head into the corner of the coffee table. Later he added another bruise to the other side of his head when he leaned over too far and hit the table again. And then it looks as if he (or something) scratched his nose. Hmmm his handsome face is not looking so pretty. Take a look...
At least he's still smiling.
:) I remember when Olivia was 11mths old she pulled herself up at the coffee table and then fell down, hit her head on the table and gave herself a black eye! I felt so bad - I didn't venture anywhere with her until I had to!
Cute little one....
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