LOVING our new house! O, the space! Glorious space!
At first I felt a little odd. We seemed to all rattle around in the big rooms and living space. I found myself missing our little unit, missing the warmth and familiarity.
Was I crazy? No, just human. Funny how we would rather stick with what we know sometimes than move into something bigger and better .
But o, how quickly we adjusted! It's almost 2 weeks later and I feel right at home. The space has not only increased physically, but I feel it's opening up more for us in other ways. My thinking for one. The old season is most definitely behind us and I'm excited about the future.
I have something to admit though:
I didn't miss blogging
one bit in the almost 2 weeks that I've been gone.
{GASPS from all of you}
Before the move, there were a few days where I contemplated ending my blog, or at least having a holiday from it.
Not from YOU, of course, I still love reading blogs. But somehow all the OTHER blogging stuff has taken over, and made me feel pressured to post often and write something amazing. So that made me want to avoid my blog altogether.
Do you know what I mean?
The OTHER blogging stuff...like how many followers you have, or what to do to get more followers. And how many times a week you "should" post. Or how your blog should look. And how you should be commenting on this many blogs. It's all over the blogisphere!
I just don't have time for any of that stuff. And don't actually care that I don't have time. I just want to be free to write whatever is on my mind, which is why I started blogging in the beginning. So my blog may not be the most "successful" blog on the block, but it's mine. And I think a successful blog is one that the author of the blog is happy with.
My awesome sister, N, encouraged me not to stop because I do love writing and the more you do, the better you get.
So I did end up having a little holiday, due to our internet provider's incompetence. And so I want to come back fresh, leaving all that other stuff (I can think of stronger words than that ha ha) behind. Actually I wanted to start a new blog all together, but lack the time to actually do a header and set it up!
Has anyone felt/Does anyone else feel pressured by these things?
Have you wanted to stop blogging because of it?